1971: A multi-purpose center was established through the Wyoming State Agency on Aging. A board of directors was established to obtain a federal grant, define the priorities of the Center, and hire personnel.
The five original goals to improve the lifestyle of Lander's senior citizens were and continue to be:
1. socialization and recreation
2. economics
3. nutrition and physical well-being
4. education
5. reaffirm the personal worth of our seniors
1975: The Center moved from the basement of the First Methodist Church to the National Guard Armory Building.
1976: 12 passenger mini-bus obtained with help from WYDOT.
With help from townspeople, the Refunders Club, the Bishop Randall Memorial Foundation and Fremont County, a new bus and vans were purchased.
1996: Grand opening of the new center on South 10th Street.
Today: The center offers 70 services, activities and benefits to the seniors of Lander.
The five original goals to improve the lifestyle of Lander's senior citizens were and continue to be:
1. socialization and recreation
2. economics
3. nutrition and physical well-being
4. education
5. reaffirm the personal worth of our seniors
1975: The Center moved from the basement of the First Methodist Church to the National Guard Armory Building.
1976: 12 passenger mini-bus obtained with help from WYDOT.
With help from townspeople, the Refunders Club, the Bishop Randall Memorial Foundation and Fremont County, a new bus and vans were purchased.
1996: Grand opening of the new center on South 10th Street.
Today: The center offers 70 services, activities and benefits to the seniors of Lander.